Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Daytrip to Bratislava

I took a daytrip to Bratislava yesterday to do some shopping and give the city another chance (long story which I'll share privately). Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy, but I did get a chance to walk around a bit and take in the city. The first pictures of a billboard for the movie, Die Hard 4.0, which I found interesting. I saw it last week in Vienna on the largest movie screen in Austria. For anyone interested, it's called "Stirb langsam" in German (die slowly). The next picture is of the castle in Bratislava, up on a hill above the Danube, and the last picture if of the Danube as it runs through the city. Last night was Ted's last night in Vienna, and I'm sure he had mixed emotions about going back to the US. He's lived in Vienna for 2 years and 3 of the past 4 years, and has been a good friend and huge help to me during my time here. We met at an Irish pub last night with my roommate Tobi, a couple friends, and a group of Russian girls we had met the night before at a club (not pictured). We were playing teams, and the last game ended with me making a full-table bank shot on the eight ball. A good way to end the night!